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Spell Slingin' Tower Defense

[screensot in-level]
Screenshot of a level, viewing the properties of a gem.
[screensot in the spell buy menu]
Screenshot of the map screen, in the spellbook menu.
SSTD is not a typical tower defense game. Utilizing a large toolset, the world becomes your oyster
Or in this case, the gems because your playground.
featuring a wide variety of spells, SSTD allows the user to create powerful combinations of spells which they will unlock as they progress in the campaign.
additonally, the game puts a spin on the towers, which are instead slotted gems which cast the spell, offering yet another layer of veriety and complexity.

want to make a gem rapid-fire fireballs? go for it! - reduce the capacity to get a faster gem.
want to make a gem that aplies several modifiers to a spell for a poerful hit? - make a gem with a lot of slots.
or, hell, do both! increase a gem's power by fusing 2 together, making a gem with both fast speed, and good capacity.

in SSTD, the choice is yours for how you approach things.
the game offers challanges, and multiple ways to overcome them

big group of enemies?
use a gem that shoots fast to kill them in time!
or use a spell with a large AoE to hit multiple per cast!
or figure out another solution using the vast array of spells!

enemy got resistances?
use a spell that they are weak to!
add a modifier that deals another damage type!
or just brute force it, and fire more spells!

This, and more!


demo & more

Avalible on:

Minimum System Requirments

Windows Linux
Version Windows Vista any 64 bit version
CPU x86-64 architecture
RAM 350 MB
Storage 250 MB
Rendering OpenGL 3.1 or Vulkan 1.1
Input Mouse & Keyboard


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